Thursday, January 2, 2020

Testing superstition

They say lots of things about the New Year

Lift your left foot so you start out on the right foot 

Whatever you do Jan 1st you will do all year

Eat beans for luck and prosperity
Etc etc etc

So i took no chances and are testing these superstitions out.

I figured I want to finish projects so finishes are in order wouldnt you say?

Does Mrs Superstition care what projects I finish? Not sure...

So for good measure i am making a bean soup for dinner and standing on one leg....the right one!
And I have these cute finishes to show you

Took a scrap of batting
Sewed on my teeny pieces 
Sewed a 
Zipper and voila....
Cute coin purse

Took another larger batting scrap
Hey I was on a roll now!
Not the batting roll silly

I found a fun chef  fabric in the stash
Funny how the size mimicked the batting piece

Quilted it up and made a larger zip pouch

There were just a few scraps of that piece left so used it for the back and the center strip of a mugrug

Pulled from my string bin and a mugrug was made. Scrappy leftover binding and all

While in the binding tin I found this red and white stripe so figured it would go well with the Valentine mugrugs

It did and it does so 2 pouches and 2 mugrugs were born

A good start to the year I say......
How did you spend your first day of 2020?


  1. Trying to block my "Franken-quilt" out..nope--back in the closet - I want to begin my jelly roll Quilt Around the World quilt--all strip sewing--so i spent a good amt of time watching youtube vids on that subject...quiet day....
    Funny we had bean soup, too...hugs, Julierose

  2. Description
    In Scottish and Northern English folklore, the first-foot, also known in Manx Gaelic as quaaltagh or qualtagh, is the first person to enter the home of a household on New Year's Day and is seen as a bringer of good fortune for the coming year. The first footer is supposed to be a tall a dark haired person.

  3. Your projects are adorable! I've never heard about the beans or the lifting of the left foot for New Year's. I hope I remember them for next year!
