Saturday, January 4, 2020

Take that superstition lol

Now that I tempted fate i need to make a plan
A plan of my goals and make them goals I can reach

In past years I had a big head and thought I can make a quilt a month and then do every block of the month or squirrel that comes along and still make gifts for everyone and......
DUH....IT HIT ME....

so as I tidy up and assess things
Such as how did you acquire 5 rotary cutters
And why do you have charms you dont have time to use etc etc
Never mind books that didnt get opened after the initial I NEED TO MAKE THAT
I am looking at all that I need to finish
And see what the holdup is

Mostly I have tops done that need quilting

And if course no pocketbook to get help with it

So I am hoping you will see more finishes of some of these projects

I may start some small new ones like these
I will find my pattern and cut out kits to make some of these
They are cute tuck in gifts and with novelties the looks are endless

I will try and finish my thankful runner and put me first a little more than in the past 

My stuff always went by the wayside as other projects moved up the list

This is a modern baby quilt that I really should quilt up and get er done.
With all the nieces getting married you never know if babies will be next

Olaf needs work on blocks

So close to a flimsy
And so cute

I will try and inspire you by finishing and I hope you still inspire and visit me too

Just in case I need to know about a squirrel.....


  1. I think finishing up projects that are stalled is the hardest thing--at least for me!! Whereas starting is such fun!! And figuring out why you stopped is not easy either or fixing something
    you thought would work and didn't...
    All challenging!! Hang in there--we are cheering you on....hugs, Julierose

  2. I work hard at staying on task. I feel like I did awesome loading a UFO on the quilter the other day. Have I wound bobbins or rethreaded the machine. Nope not yet. But one small step.
