Friday, January 10, 2020

State of affairs

I think one reason I dont finish projects is that it takes sooooo much effort to find what I need.
So documenting the mess
Yes being brave.......
I need to fix these bins so I can find fabrics 

I need to put these fabrics in the process
If they are not even opened how can I use them right?

Bins of UFO's  that really need to be addressed 
What goodies are here almost finished?

My books and patterns need to be organized
Some are for quilts
Others for gifts  and smaller projects

More ufos to contend with
That pineapple in front is for me and got put to the bottom of the list. 

While I know where it is, it needs to get finished!

These all need quilting.
I need better time management to move these forward

Are you evaluating why your projects stall?
I will fix some of these problems so that in 2020 I can be more successful in finishing


  1. Tackle it like eating an elephant - one bite at a time. Take one bin and sort thru it. Take one pile of books and go thru it. Take one project with the least to finish it - and finish it. It will be instant gratification rather than feeling lost in an ocean current.

    1. Thanks get so much done. I think my disorganization leads to my failure at finishing.

  2. Maybe a simple journal, some 2 gallon zipper hefty bags to kit up patterns and fabric for specific projects. I agree with Sharon too. 1 bin at a time. I have been grabbing a handful of scraps even if I only have 15 minutes I can usually chop up one or two into either blocks to be kitted, or into the scrap system they go.

  3. Good luck with re-organizing your stash..I took off two weeks from any sewing and just pulled it all out and worked by color...hugs, Julierose
