Sunday, January 19, 2020

More adventures

As I clean up and get ready for surgery Dunkin was doing a little cleanup too.
Inhaling the treats Daddy was giving him LOL

Here is his half attempt at waving. I make him work for them.
Daddy........not so much 
And he knows it

I pulled more containers
These hst need to be trimmed and used
I was thinking of making them maybe for the outside of a together bag

There are all sizes in here

Did any of you get the
Two cent deal from Jenny that I emailed you about?
Two cents for a fat qtr and a rotary holder 
Cutter not included.
I did not because........

Yeah.....i paid full price to house all my cutters

There are 4 here and one i cut with and i am sure i can find more in this pigpen of a room

At least if I can organize a bit maybe when my eye is on the mend i can jump right in and sew.

Fingers crossed....


  1. Cute photos of Dunkin;))) glad you can see well enough to organize and plan when you can sew once again...we are kind of iced in here--but only about 1" of snow cover...luckily hugs, Julierose

  2. LOL I may have a rotary cutter holder somewhere in my house. Good idea get organized.

  3. I had a holder so I didn't buy anymore. I didn't think I could limit myself to just the special so I didn't order anything. I have restraint sometimes!!
