Monday, January 20, 2020

Please help me decide

I found these pieces of fleece
Cut from the corners of my blanket

Why did i save them?
There are 8
Not 9 to make a block

Should i make ornaments out of them? 
Throw them out?
Make something else?

What would YOU do with these scraps

A quick project if you have any embroidery hoops you dont want or need

Take fabric and fold to make a pocket section 
Sew it to background fabric by stitching pocket edges 
Plop on hoop
Cut excess fabric 
Hot glue tightly to hoop
Hang with command hooks and fill with small scissors or templates etc

Your gift from me to you.
I love mine
I have about 5 all different sizes
Look in thrift stores if you dont have any
I had a bunch but cant do small work anymore so decided to hang them where my tools will be handy


  1. you could make a little one patch with some..or perhaps a needle minder? hugs, Julierose

  2. Fill them with catnip for Dunkin. You could make 4 toys for him.
