Sunday, January 12, 2020

A New England thing

This picture is at my Dads
It is from 1963 as you can see

Where my Dads house is now, this is the plot of land that our Moms family used to have clambakes. They would dig a huge hole and put large rocks in it and heat them up till very hot. Then they would layer seaweed and clams and potatoes and corn and onions and hotdogs and sausages and sometimes fish or lobsters. They then cover all that with a tarp and let the steam from the seaweed cook the meal. It was a long process but when done would feed a crowd.

The barn in the background is where my uncle kept his racehorses and Gram and I would hand punp their water into buckets.

The track or field behind the fence was a quarter mile track where he raced to practice with the horses.
Fireball and Ginger and Puritan Hal and Indian Sue were some of them. When the horses were not running we could ride our gocarts on the track.
My Dad made a gocart from scrap wheels etc and we had a ball taking turns going around the track pretending we were racing someone
The good old days right?

I love looking at old pictures like this of times past. Unfortunately with pictures kinda not done much anymore our next generations wont get to see a moment in our lives and see family resemblances etc.

I posted a few on facebook and everyone in the family was wowed. I got so many comments of wanting to make copies and crying because they miss someone and wow does so and so look like a twin etc.
Hopefully in 2020 my family learns to slow down 
Take a picture of ordinary life 
And maybe even share a clambake

Just because.......


  1. Oh, we had a huge family picnic on the 'family' lake. One family owned and many 'cousins' had camps along the small lake. We would all gather at my one great aunt/uncle's (largest camp) and eat all day. Fun on the water, fishing, swimming, and riding dirt bikes around the lake. Unfortunetly as the elders passed, the property was sold and all the camps torn down.

  2. We used to visit my Uncle who was a Lobsterman on Cliff Island off the coast of Maine and have "lobstah" bakes just like that--the waters out there were icey cold...What fun times...hugs, Julierose
