Saturday, May 16, 2020

Sweet sixteen

Another one a day block
Not sure if I  need to start worrying about light and dark blocks

This is most  of them side by side 
I like the secondary pattern of the corners 
But was worried if i could find the right light dark combinations to make it work

So pulled fab for sashing like in the pattern 
I like this too as it stretches the 30 blocks into the size i want i think

Ok ok for you perfectionists

Dunkin told me i had to move those darks around to balance better 

See? Even with sash i think i will have a light dark issue. Ugh

I am using what i have and until places open up it takes FOREVER to get a shipment

Remember these pocket quilts?

Yeah apr 18. Ordered crosses for middles 

Just came and they are WAY smaller than i wanted

Was these and then crosses about 2 inches 

Will use them i guess but wish i could just go buy what I want already.


  1. Wait aren't you a personal friend of Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilting? She will hook you up. Oh no! Sorry about the crosses.

  2. I like your sashing a lot; I plan on doing that also...;))) Hope your weekend is a good one...Julierose

  3. Yes, Jenny Doan to the rescue!
    And those design choices do get to be overwhelming sometimes. I think between you and Dunkin, and relaxing a bit, you'll come up with a good decision that makes you happy.
    When I worry all my good sense goes out the window.
