Monday, May 25, 2020

BAD blocks as Julie calls them

More BAD blocks
Block a day blocks
Bad cause i wanna keep making them

Bad cause I started making twins

See? TWO at a time
Heck if I know
Cause I can I guess

The inspector came for a visit
To see if we were wearing our masks and social distancing properly

He decided we were in compliance
Here are 26 blocks
4 more to go.

Yay....the light at the end of the tunnel

Happy Memorial Day everyone
Hope you are waving flags and remembering our vets

There may not be parades or celebrations like normal but if you know a vet, live near a vet, knew a vet etc. Be kind to them.thank them for their sacrifices for our freedoms
Put flowers on their grave
Help them cross the street or do something like mow the grass
Leave a surprise food bag or something on their front steps 
Be a good human.
We all need each other in these troubled times.
Stay safe!


  1. Oh, pretty blues! I'd work two at a time just to speed up with chain piecing. No plans here, just a quiet day. Not even fireworks around anywhere in the neighborhood.

  2. Wait aren't you supposed to make one a day so you make one block daily? You are an impatient one aren't you. LOL Working today.

  3. Your blue BADS look so neat;)) They will play well together...mine--hmmmm I don't know...they are in a "League of Their Own"--all so different...
    Happy Memorial Day despite the rainy weather
    ~ ~ ~ Julierose

  4. Working ahead on the blocks may entice you to finish the quilt before the end of the month.
