Friday, May 1, 2020

So far this year

You know how in Jan everyone is going to lose 50 pounds and complete every UFO they have and clean their closet?
Well i had a "pre Corona " plan 

Just 3 things......
Finish a ufo, work on a knit ufo, and move a project further along each month

This got quilted and done

This was a gift for gifted scraps.....

As was this.....

These were a pay it forward freebie for residents where I live

This was a gift for gifted scraps and kindness

These were a selvage cleanup project

My running crazy from corona runner just needs my other machine fixed so i can quilt and bind

Then........corona hit
And you know what happened

Everyone who had an available machine was cranking out these to help the cause

I did my part and broke 2 machines in the process

Some zippy bags were made of scrap cutoffs

Another one.....

Oops. Found more selvages

I swear fabric multiplies 

A "lets make a butterfly" turned into a cute bag

No quilts finished but i got some things accomplished 

Hopefully covid stays away this Fall so I can get some things done

Has your year been successful so far?

Its May Day today

I see someone left you flowers and ran

What?  Who me?

But I may have seen this guy in the area 

Just sayin

Happy May Day!


  1. You got your gift box supplied a bit this month.

  2. you were really so productive in april--despite beaking two machines--pssst--maybe it was that speedy sewing kitty I saw in one of your posts hahaha--
    Nice works--~ ~ ~ waving under weeping skies

  3. Gosh that must be a satisfying feeling. You've really accomplished alot in four months! Congrats!
