Tuesday, May 26, 2020


I found this in my ufo pile
Yeah the pile  of what was i making with that?

This i think is a perfect size for a 16 inch quilted pillow cover
Instead of trying to store out of season pillows i decided to find a pattern for quilted covers.i can then change them out to my liking but store them in a small space.
This one will look nice i think with my couch quilt i am working on 

Remember these?
A day of string play to clean up

Well i made more

And they are cute
Strings sewn and trimmed to a 5 inch square
Easy peasy

The challenge......almost forgot 

My friend Jacky said lets get work done sat and sun and on monday the challenge is to make things
Small things out of ufos etc

Did I meet the challenge?
Tell ya tomorrow 


  1. That is a very pretty star block...it will make a lovely pillow cover.
    Nice work unearthing these finds...Julierose

  2. I want to make some pillows for my couch. Quilted, but also embroidered. I am slow though.

  3. Hope you had a nice long weekend. Can't wait to see what you made.

  4. Love your star block. I think you're getting a lot done!
