Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Seeing double

This is my Dunks chilling as I talk to him about quilt designs

Cant you see him listening???

Anywho.....4 more daily blocks were made 

And one set is twins

I am thinking they wont show too much if far enough apart

We will see once the 30 are done

Was a beautiful weekend here
I masked up and bought shades for the screenroom

That way the grill will be ready and covered and the screenroom dining area will be ready too

Not a ton of sewing going on but a ton of getting ready for summer

What happening at your place?


  1. I worked. My day off torrential rain, I have fantastic weeds.

  2. Today was grocery shopping day--D O N E for another 2 weeks I hope...
    The shelves are getting barer each week....and meat is very low --but I was able to get a big pack of ground beef. So, I will be resting up this morning...still very weird in there...only 1 cashier and obviously not much if any stocking happening...came home, sanitized everything, washed clothes and took shower...PHEW
    I cannot believe that our State will be opening up tomorrow...
    But Not for us....(isn't that a song lyric?

    Anyhow--that's where I am
    ~ ~ ~ waving in the wind Julierose~ ~ ~
    P.S. Your blue blocks will be just fine--they will help to pull it all together...I am thinking of doing a couple of repeats, too...maybe that light Rose one...

  3. Dunkin is taking it all in. You have such a great assistant.

  4. I was off. I did some sewing and my usual housework. Dunkin looks like a great assistant! I was cold today! The heat is off but I put on my little electric heater!
