Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Quarantine quilt

I decided to lay out my quarantine quilt to see what i need to pull for fabric next 

I am doing scrappy so the next 8 block set says blues
I am going to use some deeper shades I think

See that pink block next to Dunkins tail?
The next block goes on either side of those 2 pink blocks
I didnt lay the whole quilt out but just one side to see A how it looks. B see the size and C Try and determine my fabric pics for block 8
It involves lots of flying geese 
8 blocks of block 8
They will take a bit to make.

Stay tuned......


  1. Is that like I need to make 10 blocks of round 10 for my mystery quilt? I have 2 made so far.

  2. Quilters are so funny--Eg: for round 256--make 254 hst's"!!!;000--Y I K E S
    um yea okaaay....
    I mean what are we thinking? Or not? And this block has only 22 pieces- ONLY???? I definitely need one of those cats that machine sews like you have hahaha
    ~ ~ ~ waving in relief Julierose

  3. You are moving along... I'm staying tuned :)
