Saturday, May 2, 2020

Focus pocus

I went back and found the block I was supposed to be making 

Had issues with them. Forgot to cut pinks in half both ways.  They were too large
Now I got it
2 down,,,,6 to go

Not too bad
Was worried that the pink and blue squares were too dark 
I think in the scheme of things they will work 

Its gonna be a good size quilt as this is half the row

Somebody was rewarded with a package delivery
And he knew it Lol
he is spoiled but then again 
He is a hard working quilt inspector 

And its hard to find good help

Ok so I will focus on these blocks and my outer row will be done 


  1. Pretty blocks. You are humming right along.

  2. Nice work on this--it looks very complex...I see the Quilt inspector knew the package came for him...he is a hard worker ;)))
    ~ ~ ~ waving on a windy Saturday Julierose

  3. I think it all blends nicely and you are moving along with this baby. I got a box from Chewy - an anonymous sender - treats for my babies.

  4. Very wonderful! Progress and treats in the mail.
    You're right, in the 'scheme of things' the more intense pink and blue will work out fine.
    If a color scheme has no (or not much) dark\light contrast then it's described as neutral. Which is okay if that's what you want.
    But contrast is attractive.
    I just had my morning coffee' can you tell?

  5. That is exciting. Both the treats for Dunkin and you are close to finishing the outer row.
