Thursday, May 21, 2020

I need to get more organized

Covid threw me off track

This was supposed to be the year of finishing UFO'S 
I started off pretty good then BAM
these pineapples need to be found

And the strawberries too

So they can become runners for my table 

This guy was beautiful last year but got pulled up when the lawnguy cleared out the poison ivy

All that's left are my daffodils
No lillies
No iris
Nothing else

I guess i have to start over in this garden area 

And i need to get some towels done for the gift box.

They are quick and a fun useful gift

Are you making more ufos or finishing off some?
Inquiring minds wanna know


  1. I am finishing! Yippee! If I finish 2 I can start something new.

  2. I finished tying SIL's zig-zag quilt and did in my shoulders--so today I deem a: "DAY OF REST";)))
    No cooking, no cleaning, and (sobbing here) no SEWING!!!!;000..
    I will though try to make a list--I am not good at sticking to them so I usually forego making any--of things to get done...
    I will try to just do my BAD shoulders permitting...
    Remember that Ad?: "Cold Again!" well that is our weather--hope it warms up for Mem Day weekend...
    ~ ~ ~ waving with my coffee cup Julierose

  3. In the quilting arena, I'm working only on a sew along. I need to dig out some UFOs and work on those. The towels are a great idea.

  4. I have finished a few projects but also started a new project. I'm trying not to start anymore new projects!
