Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Day 12

Here is day 12s block
Almost halfway there.....

Funny what you find when you are looking for something. 
These were not finished
Another Ufo 
Because dummy me didnt glue the hanging ribbon under her hair

Now gotta figure that out to move them along with faces and details

Any suggestions so they hang correctly on the tree???


  1. You found macaroni angels in your sewing room? Too bad you didn't have a little lace or eyelet to create a collar and wrap the ribbon around the neck, with the lace/eyelet over.

  2. Oh nice block--and cutest angel--don't work too hard today;000 ~ ~ ~ waving and waiting Julierose

  3. Cute projects! I have no idea about hanging that pretty angel!

  4. Great block. Good luck figuring out the angel. I know you will :)
