Saturday, March 28, 2020

Weird times and twilight zone

Times in this corona pandemic are so surreal

I started this zigzag quilt in blues and then used a lot of blues for mask requests

We will see what is left after mask making is over

I need to finish up a few more then I am done

This project I saw somewhere and she happened to use navy like me
She also made it bigger by using extra 4 patches on the edge as a border 

Her sashing was also the blue with red cornerstones 
Will have to see if that is possible
It really made the roads stand out

Hope you are all coping in these tough times. we were thrown into the twilight zone 
Our lives are turned upside down
No more visiting
No more kisses and hugs
No more sharing anything 
Keeping 6 feet apart
Some working, some not
Some that are working are upset they are not home
Some home are bored and want paycheck and to work
Some dont cook and are freaking out
Take out available but if not working that can add up fast 
Some hoarding to feel in control 
Some without toilet paper and basics

Its a crazy crazy world we are in at the moment
Our information is sometimes unclear too
Tv says one thing, social media another and cdc yet another. 
My boss actually believed Russia released lions to make people stay inside. Ugh

People at each other and stretched like rubber bands ready to snap. Stealing things out of your cart when you turn around. Having a dog eat dog mentality

Lets all take some deep breaths
Remember that there are things we cannot change ie the fact that corona virus is here and it is scary stuff 

But lets instead focus on the positives 
Maybe people are home with their families for family time
Maybe there is time to help others ie sewing facemasks
Maybe people are being cleaner and paying attention more
Or helping neighbors by going to the store
Or just listening and making others feel ok

It is a trying time for sure
But lets be grateful for the ones working because they are essential  and  lets treat them right. They are already fighting a battle.
Its not their fault the sale flyer says they have chicken and they dont....flyers are done way in advance and who saw this coming
Its not their fault toilet paper won't be in for a bit
Its not their fault there are shortages
Or that they didnt know last week when you may have been in contact  that they were infecting people with Corona. They had no symptoms

It is easy to blame blame blame... governors saying this should have been done that should be done. 
its easy in hindsight  shoulda coulda woulda but what good does it do to blame?
if we want to stay strong we need to rethink how we act and speak and treat each other

1. Quit blaming others....instead think how we can solve problems.....

2. Try to see positives instead of negatives...
My house has never been cleaner lol

3. Lets look at the lighter side of things.....someday we will laugh at the toilet paper shortage.      We all can use a laugh in these trying times.those entertaining on social media, kudos to you

4. Be what is recommended
Stay home if possible....wash down everything....stay away from possible contamination

5. Be someones support....we ALL need support these days. Email. Facetime. Call on phone. Check on family and friends. Talk about fears and emotionally support one another

6. Dont spread rumors.  Find out facts and instead inform others.
One if my nieces is flipping out over the shouldnt wear yada yada
No, it is a barrier. Yes its not an n95 but a barrier is Better than no barrier
The masks they are talking about not wearing is the much needed masks for our healthcare frontlines. Save those for the frontlines. 
She even told my brothers lysol is no good. 
Um again, no. If you clean then disinfect with lysol wipes it is a good thing. Lysol spray is not a cure all for airborn particles but it certainly can make the air less inhabitable for the nasty germs 
Facts are we don't know a lot about this nasty virus and what you hear today may change tomorrow as we learn more.
Dont feed into alarming others....we are all trying to deal with this pandemic and come out the other end. 

7. Wash your hands and sing while you do it for your 20 seconds
Whether it's the alphabet song or happy birthday or i will survive......just do it
Washing germs away and not touching face and eyes and nose is our best defense

 When this is over I Will be hugging many people.i miss my hugs.but for now just know that I love you and am thinking of you all. 
God bless

I believe with God we will get through this


  1. AMEN to that!! Great post, Dawn--hope all goes will for you and Rich...
    ~ ~ ~ ~ waving from afar;))) Julierose

  2. Good word, thanks for sharing!
    One thing to think about, most of us are going to live through this.

  3. I keep telling people. Put the technology away, walk away from the constant news. There is more misinformation out there than good. Hugs for you and Rich's health during this time.
