Monday, March 23, 2020

How are you coping

With all this craziness of corona and hoarding and empty shelves,  I thought to myself what am I hoarding?

You know besides 700 yards of fabric, 800 jelly rolls, 5 rotary cutters ,a roll of batting and a roll of muslin. LOL
Oooo i better get thread.....just sayin ha ha

when I was at my "new normal" this weekend of trying to foodshop, I came across many empty shelves. Many no name brands or weird brand names that I was afraid to try. I never knew there were other bleaches besides clorox. And laundry detergent too. Does this one clean enough?

Anywho, aisle after aisle of not finding what I needed got me frustrated.

And when I get frustrated I  eat. Sooooo my cart got filled with Oreo more stuff, cookies and other desserts

An apple pie and hot chocolate packets and keebler mint cookies like girl scout thinmints

OMG IF I SURVIVE COVID 19 I will need to lose FIFTY POUNDS!!!!
guess I better have rock soup for dinner maybe with a carrot

Do you find yourself hoarding something you had trouble finding?
Or Maybe you are throwing in the towel and eating like tomorrow is your last day. 

Good thing I stayed away from the doritos aisle.  They are my kryptonite 

I need to find a different stress reliever.
Do you think if I did yoga in the aisle that people would step over me or would a nice samaritan understand and help me up???
Tough times call for tough measures I guess


  1. A lot of the staples are gone from the shelf. But the fresh fruits and veggies at my store are full.

  2. Yes, the fresh fruit and vegies are there - guess people don't cook unless it's open a can. Our local farmers are having 'call orders' and pick up boxes to assist with food - and yes, we have farmers who process their own meat which is so much better.

  3. We went EARLY for Seniors hrs this morning and got enough to last us for a while--hopefully.
    They had celery--YAY!! And pears and apples...we did get a coupla bags of junk stuff (Cape Cod and Waves Chips)
    you need to lift those spirits, right? Plus I was able to find my cane sugar for baking choc chip cookies--yeah right, not eating sweets, huh fat (literally) chance on that one!! BUT no TP ;000
    Now is not the time to diet ...hugs and enjoy your Oreos;)))) Julierose

  4. I'm so hungry all the time! I'm chalking it up to stress. I've had a such a craving for sweets lately. I'm trying to control myself but the longer this goes, the harder it gets!
