Thursday, March 12, 2020

Monkey see monkey do.......

Yeah.what happens when you are feverish from the flu and hallucinating 

You surf and find interesting things to sew

Heck with no fever i find projects

Enter julierose the magnificent enabler 

I know. I am suppose to be finishing those UFO's on my list
You know the ones i lost count of already

Yeah. The you have too many to finish before you die list.......its the truth

Anywho she is making zigzags and i loved them and I have 5 inch squares and my living room is blue and it would look nice on my blue couch and my squares are blue and hubs likes it and i had to

I just had to

Funny how i never made a zigzag quilt

It starts all innocent like

And before you know it Dunkin is texting his friends saying my mom will make you one too no problem......

Well of course he knows how to text
And dial 911 too 

I am pleased as punch and now need to make more light squares to pair with the blues i have

The question is

Just how big should i make this quilt

It will look pretty awesome on the couch
If and when i finish it.......

Wanna take bets?
Something else will come along and ring my bell?

You cant mean it........
For now its easy sewing and fills the need to create

What are you finishing?


  1. I have a similar quilt to quilt. I am being good and sticking to my list though.

  2. Well gals, my secret (zig-zag) project is coming along I just can't post it until i gift it...
    I haven't been doing much of anything--just icing and sitting..ugh!!
    Love your blue one Dawn--so pretty....
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Love the zig zag!I'm trying to be good and sticking to finishing instead of starting!
