Sunday, March 22, 2020

Traffic jam

I now have ten traffic jam blocks

Originally I was making a baby quilt in case I was invited to a cousins daughter's shower

With all this corona going on I am not sure she is even having one.
People are buying her things online and shipping which is fine too. 

They are distant cousins so my feelings are not hurt. I am actually kind of relieved

With sashing this may be large enough
Or i can see if i can get 2 more blocks making 12 total

I am limited how much of that navy I have

Usually willy nilly is ok with me but for some reason i need to seperate these reds and greens.if i take the row off and flip it that should work

Sorry for the ugly shoe photo

Its funny when you concentrate on a subject you dont see what else gets in the shot 

I now have 12 blocks
I just need to play with sashing and cornerstones

I like how easy and quick it came together

Dunkin may or may not be claiming this one.
Ideas are floating in my head

I have more 4 patches sewn that could be borders too.

I can make it and send to cousins daughter anyway
I can make for Dunkin.he loves mamas quilts
I can make and put away for the next baby boy
I can see if I can make it into a larger lapquilt without it looking weird

All good options right?


  1. Beautiful work on this one..I just love that pattern, Dawn and your choice of colors for it;)))
    BJ's had lines twice around the building when it opened this morning and a sign: No paper, meat or dairy...Thom didn't even get out of the car, but just came home...We will try the early hrs at Big Y tomorrow..Tell me, when you run out of TP--what will you do?? Are you saving newspapers???
    Not so funny at all...seriously...hugs from afar Julierose
