Saturday, March 21, 2020

Making face masks

Hi everyone. I came across an idea for those who wish to help in some way.

Deaconess is looking for MANY masks as the need is great and supply is low.

Anyone who can sew can make these out of little more than 2 rectangles of fabric and 2 pieces of elastic

They will wash them and use them to protect cancer patients etc from this horrible virus.

Check out the video below should you want to help out and ease your seperation boredom in this trying time in our country.

God bless and stay safe
Check it out and please pass it along to others.


  1. Our local hospitals system is asking for face masks. They can wear a fabric one over the medical ones and the medical ones can last longer, just change the fabric one. I saw somewhere else where they were asking for gowns.

  2. Thanks--I've been watching videos on making them too...just need flat elastic...hugs, Julierose
