Sunday, March 29, 2020

New greeting

I get greeted by the ah hmmmm
BACK end these days
I think Dunks was trying to get a new greeting instead of a handshake

He then climbs on my stomach

Looks into my eyes
A safe distance away of course lol

Then air kisses me

Cracks me right up

My new greeting. 

People may not be paying attention but Dunkin is 
He is keeping socially distant
he makes us laugh daily


  1. Social distancing. Bobbin does not practice it at all. LOL

  2. Dunkin sure keeps up with current events;)))
    Cutey pie that he is...
    We got to talk to my daughter and her family on "WhatsApp" on my phone; so we saw and chatted with the family last night..that was such a mood lifter for us..stay safe..I can see that Dunkin will be monitoring you both...:)))
    ~ ~ ~ waving from here Julierose ;)))

  3. Dunkin is very good during the times of corona! I'm hoping this doesn't last much longer. I like staying home but this is too much!
