Thursday, July 23, 2020

Making a list and checking it twice

I have to organize and prioritize projects

This is our crazy time of year
Everyone in our family is born from Aug to Feb right in the thick of things with holidays etc so I need to get cracking

And two of the nieces have fall wedding anniversaries too.

Gotta start knitting a little at night

Finishing up baby stuff

Assess what is in the gift box

And get this one done
Maybe for her birthday in Oct

We will see

Are you making plans?
Whats on your list to do?


  1. You have a lot on your plate this time of year...
    I am still hand quilting Star Spangled and doing Tuscan Sunrise embroidery; just got back from grocery run--phew--will rest after that!!
    hugs from our humid shoreline Julierose

  2. Wow, all these wonderful celebrations hit you at once. We are still in the midst of home projects but I sneak a little cross stitch hear and there. Need to get the sewing machine humming though.

  3. I have been working on a new project. But I am slow.
