Monday, July 20, 2020

How do I fix this

This quilt belongs to one of my nieces

It was made by my Mom who was her grandmother
She is in her 20s and wont part with it even in this bad shape

This was a baby duck


It was adorable but the fabric is so worn
And threadbare

And even holey in places

She wants to keep it and wants me to try and fix it
There is little batting left
Its a mess

Has anyone ever done quilt repairs?
Where do I start?
I was thinking of appliqueing the pieces that i can trying to find something of my Moms in my stash or something close 
And maybe layering it on top of a batt and back and quilt it heavily to hold?



  1. Carol @ has a tab for her vintage quilt repair. I can tell you, but her tutorials and posts are visual and will help you better.

  2. I have never repaired an older piece but looks like Sharon's advice is good...what cute little duckie's
    ;))) good luck Julierose

  3. Yikes! I wouldn't know where to start but I hope you can figure it out. That is such a sweet and special piece.
