Saturday, July 11, 2020

Foraging around the yard

I was watering my veggies and caught a glimpse of red. Hmmmm
What could that be?

where my lilac was last year

We must have never seen them because the lilac was huge

They made a mighty fine breakfast with my oatmeal and cinnamon 

We also have the hickory nuts that the squirrels are bouncing off the metal roof of my shed.

I laugh as it is right outside my bedroom window
I snuggle in and hear BAM
they try to crack them open that wsy
Lil boogers.......

Good to know there is a little food around if we need it


  1. And if all else fails. There is Jacky's turkeys.

  2. Oooh wild raspberries--what a nice surprise for your breakfast...
    I am not overly fond of those squirrels--or the chipmunks...when Kota came to visit she took care of them--they hid away and lost their boldness,
    I can tell you!! :))) I miss her so much...
    RIP in doggy heaven my sweet granddoggie--she lives on in my heart...
    hugs from afar Julierose
