Sunday, July 19, 2020

Can I get this done?

Been busy this weekend making zuchinni bread for my baby brother

And a sugar free version for Rich
Was over 100 according to my thermometer yesterday.....outside

Glad for the ac and baking early

After groceries and bread delivering today i am hoping to sew
We will see because truly a womans work is never done

Ironing is also a need for workclothes
Now if only Dunkin would put on his Merry maid outfit and get busy.......
Trying to find more quilting time


  1. Hope you finally got to some sewing time;)))
    Zucchini bread--oh yum!!
    Hugs from afar Julierose

  2. I have been blessed with veggies as a friend is one of a local farm's crop/box share drivers. They can take any day's left overs so he has a list of neighbors/friends and drops off the 'oddities' and left overs. This morning he dropped of lots of cucumbers (everyone is full of them) and I am making pickles.

  3. I've been going through some of your old posts, wow, lots of fun projects! Burpcloth Central did you get my order?
    I thought this blog is called Relaxing Robin, I don't see a lot of relaxing going on. But I can see you're enjoying yourself!

  4. You've been a busy bee. Hope you found some time to sew.
