Tuesday, July 21, 2020

I think he is tired of social distancing

This guy is so funny
He HAS to be near me or touching me

Just hanging out.....

Sleeping where I just got up from

Touching me as I try and wake up with a cuppa

See???? Every

It is like he is obsessed with touching me 

Funny yet creepy too

Hubs thinks its because he was so tiny when we found him and I have been his Mom

You would think after 10 years he would know I am not going anywhere and neither is he
Love ya dude! Lol


  1. My Bella is that way, too. She was rescued from an abusive home.

  2. Bobbin is like that most of the time. Right now reading blogs she is sitting on my lap.

  3. Kota was like that;))) I think they do feel you're their "Momma". So cute...and cuddly...
    hugs from afar Julierose

  4. He's so cute. My Lily follows me around the house too. We'd be so lonely without our pets!
