Monday, July 27, 2020

Do i live in Arizona

I think with corona they moved my state

I sometimes feel like I am in Alaska
And now Arizona

Hot humid and yucky out

Good time to stay in ac and get out sewing projects
I gotta find this one and finish it
Maybe my winter project

I decided i need to make a list but stick to ONE till it's done
We will see how that works with my scatterbrain lol

Meanwhile these look easy enough to make for tuck in gifts
The youngins and some hipsters would like I think
A circle, 2 half circles a zipper, keyring
How easy

I am thinking together bags and earbuds pouch for 5 nieces......hmmm

I am thinking of making a few of these and seeing if very fiddly or not.
If not then assembly line make some and into the giftbox

Have you found some neat useful gifts to make?


  1. Those are cute. Sounds like you have a plan.

  2. Cutest little key fobs there;))
    I like the flying geese blocks a lot...great colors...hugs from inside with the AC on full blast

  3. Those pouches are so cute! Your flying geese project looks so nice! Stay inside and keep cool!!

  4. The circle pouches are a great gift. Let us know if they come together easily.
