Sunday, February 9, 2020

Pining for you

OMG this is the view at Jackys house
We had 70 mile an hour winds
And this tree fell

Yeah right up from the roots
She said it went over like a slow motion movie
Took almost an hour

What a nightmare 
Jacky is ok. This is her neighbors house.
They are ok too. 
Shaken as to be expected

I told her you need to be careful when you are scratching your back.
《Hee hee》
You are stronger than you think!

Unbelievable what wind can do

Well Jacky. Now we can plant that garden
Thyme, Rosemary, parsley
What do you think?

Glad you are ok buddy. I was worried as we all know they should have cut that tree.
Glad your neighbors are safe too.

Will pray for quick fixing of her house roof before the snows come


  1. That is scarey for sure!! Happy to hear everyone is okay hugs, Julierose

  2. High winds are scary for sure. Trees coming down all over this way as well, but nothing is worse than a large tree in a trailer park. So glad everyone is OK.

  3. Glad Jacky, and her neighbors are ok. That is quite the storm.

  4. those winds are frightful. We see them uprooted all the time. I've heard that roots stay close to the top of the ground when they don't get enough water. I try to remember that and water my Sugar Maple regularly. Glad no one was hurt by this tree.
    xx, Carol
