Friday, February 21, 2020

More distractions to play in the stash with

These guys need to be added to

They are lonely in that little pile and I now have some lights to play with

More of these need to be made

To further this along

A full bin of plaids.......of all sorts and colors 

My 3 inch squares are kinda low

Strips are overflowing 
Better make more string blocks 

My 2.5 is pretty full too

This wants to be a bag

This does too
So i will see what i can do
What are your scraps saying to you?


  1. Mine are singing "..String along with me, I'm on my way to the stars.." a la Perry Como! LOL
    Does that "age" me or what??;000

    It's going to be a day off from Santa and his Lane buds, want to RELAX and take a bit of time to "pluck" some strings from my stash...hahaha
    Hugs Julierose

  2. Great projects. My scraps are saying come on tame me baby! I dare you!

  3. I like your jars holding your scraps. As usual, I love your different projects! Very inspiring!
