Friday, February 25, 2022

Fri sewing and storm

Supposed to get loaded with 9 inches of snow today. 

But that means a sew day as long as power stays on

This bunny represents my bunny Snipoet
He had a white patch on his nose 

He was a wild bunny.
Dad was harrowing up the field to plant and a bunny had a nest burrow in the field.he could not see it but heard the mama screech

She and a few babies were killed but we took the rest home to nurture and release when old enough

I always hoped they made it and we didn't make them easy fox food

Felt so bad for them losing their mama who thought her babies were safe in that burrow



  1. Oh "Snipoet" is so darling!! What a great memory block for your quilt..beautiful work.
    Stay warm and enjoy your "sewing-snow day"--hugs Julierose

  2. Cute bunny block. Hope the weather didn't get too bad for you and you were able to sew.

  3. Awe that is a cute pattern for a bunny. I had a bunny, which was found at my piano teacher's house. She told me take it home. Her name was Brandywine.

  4. Your bunny block is so cute! Baby bunnies have a hard time surviving here in town because of the dogs and free roaming cats.

  5. 🐇 Beautiful bunny! I love bunnies. I'm sure your Snipoet bunny did very well. 🐇 🐇
