Monday, November 30, 2020

Day 11 almost there


Are you a shopper?
Have you ever had Santa help you shop?

Like you had no idea what to get and the stars aligned and voila the perfect gift

My niece was laid off with all this covid crap so money is tight
Her 4 year old niece is the only one she wants to take care of for Christmas 
She was kike Aunty i dont know what to get her
Well i was at wally world picking up prescriptions and low and behold
Cute toy appliances for 5 bucks

I texted her and she was ecstatic 

When my daughter was 5 she wanted a fur coat like mine.that was when rabbit coats were all the rage
Well a rabbit for a 5 year old is not practical so i decided to overcompensate with Toys

My friend and i went to one of those midnight madness sales the.night before Christmas and in front of us was one white fake fur coat in my daughters size 
We snatched it up and ran to the register

The look on her face christmas morning when she got her "rabbit coat" was priceless

Have you ever had Santa help you shop?

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