Saturday, November 28, 2020

9 ladies dancing


What's  some of your favorite holuday foods?

Are you big on the roast or the ham?

A favorite side dish?

Or are you a dessert kinda gal

What is your favorite? Does your family do a non traditional kinda meal?

We used to do chinese food Christmas eve but you have to order by like 3 to get it for 5. Crazy......

Hubs was never a fan so he looked for a nearby pizza place to be open 

My favorite christmas foods are my moms fudge recipe. Her french hamburg dressing and turnips and carrots mixed.

Hubs likes my double choc cream pie. The secret is mixing in choc chips with the pudding and melting them. calories on christmas right?

Moms  french dressing or stuffing as some call it was simple.

Hamburg, onion, sage, potatoes and french bread. All mixed into a wet mixture with water or broth then baked till a crusty hot yummy goodness. 

My hubs cant eat sage so i havent had it in years. It makes a ton and is so good

Do you have a favorite recipe? Or holiday food?

I introduced my nieces years ago to ribbon candy and if i cant find them a box they are disappointed.  They are in their 20s

Whats your favorite?


  1. Oh, it's very hard to find ribbon candy as a lot of companies no longer make it. I'm not one to need a particular meal for holiday. I find big meals unpleasant. Pizza I can go for any time - even cold for breakfast.

  2. We usually had baked ham on Christmas...with my Mom's homemade scalloped potatoes--any kind of potato dish is definitely my favorite...
    these days twice baked potatoes are high on my list. But for Christmas I would say fudge and fruitcake (I know a lot of people hate it, but I love me some fruitcake...) my Grand-mere would make her fruitcakes early and then wrap them in a rum-soaked cheesecloth to marinate...boy were they good...I still buy fruitcakes and marinate them in the good...Hugs from your "foodie" friend Julierose
