Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Checking status of things

piles to work on
I didnt realize how many were not finished. Ughhh

I need to plan a night with the gluegun and
Get these done

Hmmm fabric

Yeah. Another one of these needs to be made

Knitting needs finishing 

Not even cut out yet

Where did that extra 1 hr of daylight savings go?
I sure could use it about now



  1. Try to take on one thing at a time and do the ones that you can finish quickly.;))

    I want to plan a B I G Dresden topper for my round glass table in the living room for Christmas...
    Don't know if I can do it though...just improv...on the length of the spokes
    After this afternoon's appt I will feel better--
    right now cannot think...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. You're Christmas Spirit is exciting!
    It looks like you're planning to make a vest and other warm type clothes? Great idea, the weather has cooled here and it's windy with maybe some rain coming. Time for warmer clothes.
    Have a creative day!

  3. You'll get there! You have plenty of time. I always love to see what projects you have going on. I wish I could do more but I just can't find the time. Stupid work!
