Sunday, November 1, 2020

My girls

These are my nieces with my Dad a few years ago

 From left to right is Andrea our phlebotomist and wild child lol

Emily who just turned 18. She is our softball champion

Dad of course

Kayla who is due with a baby girl on Valentines which is the day after my Dads birthday.   She runs her own daycare in a home she and her husband bought and fixed up. She has a mortgage under 20000 and her home looks like Chip and Joanna designed it. Beautiful.

Brittany our studying pharmacist  she and her fiance just bought a house

And Alicia who got married last year. She is a manager in a dental practice and my sewing buddy

These gals have bithdays Aug 12, sept 21, oct 7, and 25th and nov 1st and now anniversaries oct 8 and oct 31

They keep us on our toes. Love them to pieces. They were all concerned about my surgery and recovery.

How do they grow up so fast when I am not any older???


  1. Funny thing--that not growing older happens around here, too. what lovely girls...hugs, Julierose

  2. Beautiful family, Dawn! Hope you're feeling well!

  3. Beautiful girls. I know I was wondering how my youngest child can have gray hair. I am not that old!
