Wednesday, November 4, 2020


It is crunchtime
I need to find my projects and get er done
At least the ones i can do and call it a day

This year flew by
The good
The bad
And the ugly

It was just March was it not?
No work
Clean clean clean
6 feet apart
Covid no covid
Hibernate from family and friends

Crazy crazy

Now its snow and oh no not prepared at all
Anyone else feel this way?

I had such hugh high hopes 



  1. Even more so if you were an "essential" worker....working longer hours and more days.

  2. Gosh, yes to all the above, Dawn..I went to bed early last night as I didn't want to stay up and hear returns....need I say more?? ;000

    The "Goose" flu has hit me--I want to make more flying geese...I think I'm destined to make 2 more [Christmas] dolly quilts...take care and stay safe
    Hugs, Julierose
