Friday, November 20, 2020

Lets have a little fun

 I dont know about you but around here the covid numbers are spiking again. Ugh

Which means more quarantining  and more sick family and friends and potentially more losses 

Kinda grim right?  Lets try and make the best of our time at home and keep each other in good spirits shall we?

Those who know me know that i like to put spins on the 12 days of Christmas.  I have given many 12 days gifts making a fun game out of it. 

So lets play.......

For the next 12 blog posts i will be asking you or telling you something about Christmas.  Deal?

For today, hey today is as good a day as any to start right.....

For the comments tell me the name of the song that sings of tiny tots with their eyes all aglow  and folks dressed up like eskimos. 

Got cha singing didnt I? Hee hee

I will post a picture of some tiny ....ok not so tiny tots with their eyes all aglow ok? 

3 of my siblings. One Christmas morning probably in  1970. 71?

See? Lets have some fun shall we?


  1. The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole. I envy you with the pictures of your family from so long ago. I have very few of them.

  2. The Christmas Song --yes!! I love those pictures from the past and how their colors evoke those memories...what super happy smiles in this one!! Thanks for sharing..Hugs from afar..Julierose
    ("Oh you'd better watch out, you'd better not cry, you'd better not pout..." humming away here) ;)))
