Thursday, November 12, 2020

Oh red truck how i love thee

This was found on my shopping trip 
It could not stay there
It called me to take it home

And two new tins
Full of candy now but later will hold a project
Sooooo cute
Wanna help me eat the chocolates???
Whats your fav????
Are you a nutty kinda gal?
Smooth creams?

These ornaments for my tree were at dollar store
2 for 1.oo?  Count me in

And cute to boot right?

Look how cute to go with my decor

Love it.
Its beginning to look a lot like christmas.........
Everywhere i go........



  1. Cute ornies. Still too early for Christmas music though. :(

  2. I like ALL chocs--but nuts are my favorites--or well, coconut creams are good too, and the cherry--well you get the idea hahaha ;()-- (Have to pull down the mask to eat them!!)
    It's so great that the little red trucks are popular this year--a bright spot in the 2020 debacle...hugs, Julierose

  3. I don't do a lot of chocolate - a little bag of M-Ms can last me all month.I don't decorate but I love the trucks.

  4. I like just about anything chocolate. You bought some cute things. I love finding stuff at the dollar store. You just can't go wrong!

  5. More great haul! I love the nutty caramel type of sweets. So...yes, I'll help you eat the chocolates :)
