Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Right church wrong pew

These 4 blocks are for my Edyta quarantine quilt 

But.....when I went to lay them out I needed 8 for the next step
Sooooo back to the diagram again and I realized that I had skipped block 5

how does that happen?

Corona brain I guess

The block i was SUPPOSED to make finishes the outer row

Oh well. No harm no foul right?
Once i do the correct blocks i can be "ahead"

I cant wait to see this one done
It is so pretty and in my colors  of blue

Almost wish i used all shades of blue but pink is ok
I dont have her dark print with the green in it either so mine could look different
I am scraping the scraps for pink lol
Its all good


  1. Got lost in the Corona Virus time continuum? OK I see 4 spots where that block goes. Second row, 2nd in. Where else in the quilt is that block?

  2. That Corona Virus brain fog has landed here, too;)))
    That is one lovely quilt in progress...nice work...lovely soft colors you are using...

    After grocery shopping this morning I am just wiped out...need a nap!!!;000
    Stay safe now--~ ~ ~waving in the sun finally ~ ~

  3. That is an amazing quilt. I look forward to seeing yours.

  4. What a beautiful pattern! I love the colors you're using. So pretty!
