Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Cute as a bunny

On Easter I got a call that a niece was on her way to my house
I said you cant come over she goes I know
I have something for you

As I was on the phone with her she says step away from the door and put it inside

She made this for my birthday
Isnt it sweet? I love it

So sad that I couldnt hug her , but blew her kisses through the door 

She is a sweetie pie for sure 
I am a lucky girl


  1. Awww how sweet was that...;))) ~ ~ ~ julierose

  2. I keep looking at your bunny. What is it made of? It is very cute the bunny tail.

  3. Such a cute little bunny! So sad we can't really see our family but hoping things will get better soon!
