Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I need to focus

Focusing these days is difficult
Our state is still climbing in covid numbers as more people catch this horrible virus.

I am trying to not look at numbers but also need to be aware of what is going on

I get concerned with the food supply as more and more companies close and clean tainted factories
My sister in law informs me not to worry
She has a cow in her freezer along with lamb and other meat and a huge garden we can all share
I am lucky that way but worry still.....its in my makeup

I came across these colorful blocks made of 1.5 squares
Somewhere i also have them made in 2.5 blocks 
Maybe i can combine them into one bright quilt
I think i was doing these as RSC blocks one year and did make a few baby quilts but it is not my style to make rainbow bright quilts
I am not even sure why these were started but they were , so it is  better to use them on a project

This guy was also started and i love the simplicity of it
Just scrappy lights and blues
Zigzagging along
I think i need to make it larger
I am seeing a cute couch quilt for cold winter nights

Trying to focus on FINISHES and PURPOSE
how are you doing?


  1. I am finding it difficult to focus on anything for very long brain gets all foggy after a bit...(can't be aging, can it? hahaha); I love your blue z-z piece--that is really pretty...
    Hang in there and stay safe...
    ~ ~ ~ waving with the sun rising

  2. It truly is a struggle to stay focused but I'm trying! I've even scheduled specific crafts for each day of the week and put it on my calendar. Sad, huh?

  3. Focus is good, but being allowed to just play in these times is much better for the soul.

  4. I keep waiting for our numbers to go down but they always seem to go back up again. They are doing more testing so that accounts for some of it. Try not to worry. Keep sewing!
