Thursday, April 16, 2020

Another driveby

I um got a package from um Jenny
Yeah you know my buddy
Dunkin must have ordered it lol
Got a Christmas block magazine and Christmas scissors

With tea in my cup and my feet up I perused the quilts in the book and oh no

I bought the pattern for this gnome one
So have the pattern and the book pattern

So whats a gal to do?
Share and cheer someone up of course
I cant use two now can I?
I found some extra pins and notepads and zip bag and made a pocket pincushion filling it with tiny scissors  and a seam ripper 

And even found a Jenny bag to put it all in

And did a driveby to Jackys house leaving it on her porch and calling her to let her know

She loved it. 

Have you tried to make someone elses day today?
It doesn't take much 

And we all need to feel connected even more now than ever

Wish you all lived near me.....i would give you all a driveby hit lol

Stay safe


  1. Oh, I think if I lived close to you and Jackie there would be soooooooooo much trouble!

  2. Ah a little retail therapy. How nice you shared with Jacky too.

  3. What fun!! I agree with Sharon--we would do some damage alright!! ;)))
    Great sharing moment...~ ~ ~ waving Julierose

  4. It's better to give isn't it? I like getting packages from MSQC too, fun time.

  5. Dunkin is making some nice purchases :) Glad you and Jacky are keeping each other lifted up.
