Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 4 quiltalong

Day 4 is 8 ohio star blocks
In pinks
Now that mine are sewn i wish i had darker pinks but thats ok
In the scheme of things i think it will be fine

Not sure if you can see but dummy me picked a pink stripe
So slow going as I make sure the stripes are going the same way

Even Dunks is double checking.....
You know

Quality control and all.

Hope you have a great and safe day everyone!!!


  1. How many Ohio stars did you have to make? I had to make 8 blocks for the other mystery QAL.

  2. Oh now i like those stripes a lot--they give a lot of movement that way...this is really coming along well...~ ~ ~ waves on this sunny day Julierose;)))

  3. I think Dunkin likes it! Your blocks look great!
