Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hooray for the weekend

The weekend is here.
As i look around my sewing room i find this quilt i so want to finish.its a baby quilt and just needs to be quilted.
I started to quilt it and stopped

The stitching needs to be ripped out
I want to stitch it in straight or organic lines
Following the squares linear lines.
But the machine I want to use is not working 

It may become a hand quilting project
We will see

So i moved on......and my butterfly block said it wanted to be a zippy bag
So i added borders and will find lining fabric and quilt er up before making the bag.
Maybe a cute floral.....we will see
I dont think i have any prints with butterflies 

Then i was straightening up and realized that the 1.5 and 2.5 containers are pretty full.
That means more playtime needed
Maybe those 5 inch blocks will become a long term project

They still arent talking to me

I need to find a tin or container so that they can be stored as I make them 

The fabrics range from 1980s to batik to what have you.
Florals, solids, polka dots you name it
I love it

But do you See? 
 Once i complete cutting a project I try and tame the remaining  pieces by cutting them into my containers

1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5
If i can get a 5 inch i will cut that too

Came in really handy when i was doing my chandelier blocks.
I needed one 3.5 and 2 matching 2 inch and then background strips of light

I really need to tame this mess. I was pawing through all the time to make these

And boy did I make a mess!

Hopefully Dunkin will help me get it straightened out.
Are you sewing this weekend?


  1. Looks like you have a plan for the weekend. I have to work, but I understand the need to clean up the scraps.

  2. I have stored my scraps by color in baggies--I haven't done sizes but that is a good idea--
    I hope to work some more on my CS blocks...and if it
    stays nice a little walk outside...
    ~ ~ ~ waving in the sunrise Julierose

  3. You have a lot of options. I really need to take my scraps...they are soooo unorganized. I'm hoping to have a flimsy for Witch's Night Out by the end of today. Fingers crossed as I still have to cut the background fabric.

  4. It looks like you have a lot going on. Love your scrap jar! I had to work today and found out a co-worker is positive for the virus. Ugh.
