Friday, April 24, 2020

All things are possible

Once someone knows you sew and have a stash, these become never ending
I dont mind except I worry about killing another machine.
A gal at the corporate office where I work wanted to know if I knew anybody that was sewing these.
I told her what  i now tell others.....i will make you one or two but I am not mass producing them like I was in the beginning. 
List count how many I have made
I dont charge for them

As long as I had the supplies I would make them

And this is my mantra
If you believe, it is possible

I made two more that are not in this photo
Mine are not fancy
No nose piece 
No pocket for filter
Just a shield against others breathing on you

Oh corona corona
My pfaff  and my white
Making these masks
Got into a fight

They were cut with elastic
All ready to go
But something was wrong
The machine was so slow 

The needles would break
From the thick layers of cloth 
The fab went south 
The needle went north.

I seized them both up
They had had it you see
So now only small orders
Of one, two or three

My singer is old
And more mature i think
She is handling them well
Cross my fingers, wink wink. 


  1. I feel your pain - two machines down myself. I hate to tell people NO as well, but it has come to that point. Stash depletions, the cost, the time, and requests from outside the community needs to be addressed else where. I now pass on the info on making your own with the simple folded kneckerchief and two rubber bands.

  2. I have only made one mask, I am too busy working. One of the girls made masks for everyone in her department and not one of them wears them. They will wear the blue paper ones.

  3. I love your poem;)) so perfect--I am done making masks too..[altho I would like to make the two of us an alternate...]
    Hope you are looking forward to a nice weekend...
    ~ ~ ~ waving under the umbrella once again Julierose

  4. Oh my gosh! You are so creative with fabric AND words.
