Friday, August 28, 2020

Whats wrong with this pumpkin

 What is wrong with this pumpkin? I was trying to take a small ufo block, make a pumpkin then make a potholder.

Rolling on the floor at my mess. Ha ha

I put the stem on pumpkin fabric instead of background

I never rounded it with squares sewn on the edges 

So mr seam ripper and i have a date.

To fix the mess 

And hopefully make something fun

Dont be like Dawn..... do it correctly

Only I would take a ufo block trying to use it up and make another potential ufo block right?

See the center ufo block in the pumpkin,?

Yes it was supposed to be a twin sister block. 

It was more like the evil sister block haha  

I will fix it and it will be fun....just wait and see.

What cha sewing in this crazy covid world?


  1. I quilted a quilt, got some applique prepped (now to sew) and now back to making blocks for a quilt I am working on.

  2. I am resting as-- when I was chopping cucs for my salad I accidentally chipped the edge of my middle finger near the nail--ouch...It is fun trying to type w/o that finger;0000
    hugs Julierose

  3. Supposed to be working but reading blogs instead LOL
