Saturday, August 15, 2020

Cramming it all in

Do you start to panic and cram it all in?

This year has been crazy. We dont know whats gonna happen this Fall with covid.  Some schools are on, some halfway.  I know i lost a lot of sewing time cleaning and being a little depressed. I felt like just burying underground and coming out when all was well. Kinda like a bear.only they come out thinner and we came out heavier lol

This niece loved her handmade gift
And sent me a picture of her and the snuggle buddies

 I have sooooo many things I need to do

And so many I want to do. 

I love this Christmas quilt.  Should i start another? Ughhhh

I have so many to complete 

Are you torn what to work on?

I need to see what the nieces plan is.....we were supposed to make witches night out and the baby quilt with pockets for dolly.

Two ambitious projects.oh yeah plus put her wedding signature quilt together. That one will definitely have to go to a quilter to finish up.

Why do I bite off more than I can chew?

Do you? How do you prioritize what is next in the list? Do you make lists? Do you wing it?


  1. I usually wing it--but now that "bird" has even flown, too. I have been pretty down with this Covid thing, too; and gained weight. ;000 ugh

    As for sewing--I am at 6's and 7's ..don't know what to do next or what I want to make...

    Well, they say "this too shall pass"--hopefully soon...

    I love that little Doll House quilt --so cute...
    and make another Christmas piece if you want to...
    as my Mom used to say (I still miss her!) :
    Life is short, eat dessert first" and she did, too ;)))
    she was always so full of life and made me laugh...
    Hugs x2 from me to you Julierose ;)))

  2. I have a semi plan being as I quilt for the shop/sales. Commission work always comes first. And I do like to chase squirrels.

  3. I have so many ideas running around in my head. I've started a list so I can keep track of what I want to do. Getting to actually do it is the tricky part!

  4. That Doll House quilt is SEW adorable! Best of luck on figuring out a plan for your quilting. My current mantra seems to be "Make ALL the things!!!" :o))

  5. I'm a list maker but all of my plans seem to have gone out the window! I keep biting off more than I can chew and I'm feeling so overwhelmed at the moment. When I get like that then I feel like I just starting shutting down. Well, got to stop that!!!!
