Saturday, August 29, 2020

Much better

ok we went from covid brain.....what was i thinking.......

 To...... ok this is doable.

I originally was going for a cute fall potholder but it told me otherwise

It wanted to be a little wallhanging

How can i tell my child not to follow their wallhanging it is

I will quilt er up and voila
A ufo block gone......pumpkin fabric gone except for a couple squares.......strip of light background literally had half inch i threw in trash.....and more 2.5 squares used.
Now to find a backing and frankenbatt and get er done . Makes me feel good to use that up. 

I love stress free projects like this
No my squares on the ends dont match up
No its not perfectly centered
The center ufo block is dark....i could make tons of excuses not to finish but

I think it's cute.  Halloween isnt perfect.   I can use it as a small table topper.   Or hang on the wall.    Best of all it makes me smile. Isnt that what its about? Yes strive to be better or perfect of course....but give yourself permission to not be perfect too.
To just have fun. Let the stress of those ufos melt away. Grab them and make something even if it wasnt the original idea. Sometimes its because your new idea is even better!


  1. I agree, it is so cute!! I love the center block on that pumpkin...just adorable;))
    Less stress is what it's all about for sure! Especially these Covid Days...which are with us for a while yet I think...

    I set out 3 low stress projects on trays yesterday
    to give me a choice on what to work on each day...
    one is a really OLDE Jan Patek applique basket that I gave up on as it was needleturn--
    well I "turned" it into machine applique instead...why didn't I think of that b4??

    Anyway, Happy weekend Hugs, Julierose

  2. Love it. To me it's perfect because it makes you smile.

  3. It's so cute! Just have fun and use up those scraps!
