Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Just call me square

Lately i have been doing mindless sewing. This time of year with fall cleaning and su
ch i guess i just want to clean up.  The square bins are full so i decided to play.these purple ones will probably end up as a zippy bag

These i tried to pull fall colors to make a table topper. 

Mostly muted and not vibrant fall but thats ok too.  

This one from last year was my inspiration. I washed it to use and said hmmmm i need to make more. I use them all over
 And for easy gift ideas.....grab some ufo blocks you have lying around

Here i had a lonely dresdan that i messed up on.  I thought the blue was green in there.i was going for a green wreath project. Not to waste it, i saved it and devided to use it in a topper. Along with a row of sewn tumblers   it is one i use all the time. Ha ha. Made from stuff that was stuffed in a bag because i messed up.

So look at your ufo blocks. I have some log cabin blocks i am eyeing for a runner.
I wanted a queen sized quilt but i was going for all red centers and who knows where any of that fabric ended up. I didnt write down my idea or sizes etc so i think some have a different number of strips etc.
Gonna make them wanted and useful.

They could also border panels. Hmmmm
Another idea. 
What kind of forgotten ufo blocks are lurking in your sewing room? Do you save them? Fix them asap? Trash them? 
I let them mingle over cocktails with the uh hmmm older more mature ufos. Lol
I figure they could learn something from the older folks about playing nicely with others
Ha ha

Try this challenge. Find a ufo block. Make something.  A runner....a tote....a table topper....   
Lots of fun ideas....potholders, pillows
Get them into a quick to finish project and put them in a gift tote. You will be glad you did.


  1. Oooh a challenge, huh? i have a whole drawerful of blocks and half-finished stuff lurking in the dark there...Let's see what I can find--I love your squares..esp'ly those purple ones...
    And that Dresden works just fine blue/green--very pretty together...
    hugs julierose ( looking through my drawer today....)

  2. I love your way of thinking!! I like to use them all around the house too. Hugs,

  3. Believe it or not I only have 1 or 2 UFO blocks.

  4. It's HIP to be square...don't you know?!? I am sure I could find all kinds of UFO blocks, just wish I had the time to deal with them.
