Monday, November 25, 2019

These are nowhere in sight

Somewhere in this messy room I had some of these cut out. 
But where?
Did i recut the pieces down?
Are they partially sewn?
Who knows

This thurs i am hoping to get this up and gifts under. Then i will know more of where I am with things

Dunkin is trying to tempt me
With a squirrel project

Um nope. No can do


  1. Oh nooo, could they be underneath another project? I so hate when that happens...good luck finding them hugs, Julierose

  2. LOL I can so relate. I spent 2 hours looking for a kit. I thought it was in a project box. Nope. Then looked in a tote. Nope. Looked under tables, chairs. Um found it. In a 2 gallon hefty zipper bag by my sewing chair. Doh!

  3. I hate when I can't find something. I've hidden things and forgot where I hid them! Hope you find them!
