Thursday, April 28, 2022

Under the weather

I came home Tuesday from work not feeling well
As I snuggled on the couch this guy joined me

Touching his mama's leg to make sure I don't move
He is so funny

I couldn't get him to make me Rea though
Had to fend for myself

But he was content that I was home Tues afternoon and all day 💒

I feel better now. Was nauseous and felt weak

But thankfully it went away as fast as it arrived

Grateful for crockpot dinners
I didn't eat but made a roast in crockpot so dinner today is heat n serve

Love that
Now Maybe I can get something done?



  1. Oh glad you are feeling better--I awakened this morning feeling nauseous and headachey--so went back to bed for a couple yours and am better after tea and some saltines(my "go to" when my tummy is upset!) . Must be some spring bug--Though it's been nothing but cold and windy here for the whole week...I wish it would warm up .
    Take care and stay safe hugs, Julierose

  2. I hope you feel better. I hate feeling nauseous. Try to rest.

  3. I had that bug Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I probably would have gotten over it faster if I didn't go back to work Sunday, and stayed home.

  4. Glad it was a short illness and that there are no rebounds.

  5. Hope you are feeling much better. Nice that you have Dunkin to help with the cuddles.

  6. 🌳 I'm thankful you are feeling better. It's tough to feel bad. I'm so thankful for Dunkin being your 'nurse'. He loves you so much to keep his paw on you. He's saying "Just in case I fall deep asleep, I will know if Mama moves". What a sweet fellow. Take care & rest when needed. 🌻 🌺
